Ministerial Team

Pastoral Administrator
Kim Gaither
Kim Gaither serves as the Executive Assistant to Pastor Amin Flowers and performs administrative duties for LIFE Church. She also serves as a Deaconess assisting with serving communion, praying for those in need and visiting the sick and shut in.

Music Director
Myesha Jordan
Myesha is responsible for leading corporate worship through a musical repertoire of traditional hymns, contemporary and alternative songs. She also is responsible for developing instrumental and vocal skills and assisting in community outreach.

Hospitality Director
Emma Flowers
Emma Flowers is not only the mother to Pastor Amin Flowers, she is the “Mother” of LIFE Church. Mother Flowers serves as the Hospitality Director. In this role, Mother Flowers leads intercessory prayer, organizes the activities for the Gatekeepers ministry and is active in all aspects of ministry.

Food Pantry Director
Regina Brantley
Regina Brantley serves as the director of the food pantry ministry for LIFE Church ministries. Regina, along with her team, work hand in hand with the Maryland Food Bank to serve the Brooklyn community and the surrounding area. This includes, but not limited to, weekly distribution, homeless outreach, street ministry, backpack program and clothing distribution.

Men's Group Leader
Gary Williams
Gary Williams serves as a Deacon for LIFE Church Ministries. In this role, Deacon Gary assists with serving communion, praying for those in need and visiting the sick and shut in. Deacon Gary also leads the LIFE Church’s men’s group. The aim is to cause men to come out the comfort of their man cave and become involved in a community of Godly men.

Women's Ministry Director
Donna Dailey
Donna Dailey serves as the Director of the Women’s Ministry. In this capacity, Laray leads the women's ministry by teaching, facilitating, encouraging and partnering with the Women of LIFE church. We meet monthly to study and fellowship to equip each other with resources to passionately pursue God.